Medical Weight Loss
Why Medical Weight Loss
Medical Weight-Loss includes the use of prescription medications to assist in decreasing your weight and obtaining a healthier lifestyle.
Before selecting a medication for you we will consider your health history, possible medication side effects and potential interactions with medications you're already taking.
But remember weight-loss medications are not for everyone. Many prescription weight-loss medications should not be used by those who have a heart condition, glaucoma, uncontrolled hypertension, problems with their thyroid, or women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant or women who are breast-feeding.
How well do Weight-Loss medications work?
There are several medications approved for short-term use and long-term use. All produce significant weight loss compared with placebo. In addition, studies show that the addition of weight-loss medication to lifestyle changes results in greater weight loss than lifestyle changes alone produce.
What is included in a Consultation?
A consultation will include an exam to review health history, medications, and your physical health. We will discuss your weight loss goals and options that are available for weight loss through our clinic. We will also discuss a diet plan and exercise recommendations.
Telemed Visits you can do anywhere! Once you have made your appointment you will be sent an email like above but also with a link that you will use to connect with us at appointment time!